Our Offer

Service price list

Specific parameters are defined in the document "Internet service parameters" available in the Download. The prices are listed including VAT.


There are two exceptions in the price list. Project U Vyhlídky (Nad Svahy) and project Jistebnická.

Optical or metallic connection

Internet 100M

Symetric 100 Mbit / 100 Mbit

300 CZK

Internet 300M

Symetric 300 Mbit / 300 Mbit

400 CZK

Internet 500M

Symetric 500 Mbit / 500 Mbit

500 CZK

Wireless connection


Symetric 50 Mbit / 50 Mbit

400 CZK

WiFi M5

Symetric 30 Mbit / 30 Mbit

400 CZK

WiFi AD – 150M

Symetric 150 Mbit / 150 Mbit

600 CZK

WiFi AD – 300M

Symetric 300 Mbit / 300 Mbit

900 CZK

Other services

On-site service - 1 technician

Price for every half-hour started

250 CZK

On-site service - 2 technicians

Price for every half-hour started

400 CZK

Technicians call-out


200 CZK